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Orthodontic fees will vary with the severity and complexity of the problem. If treatment is indicated an estimate can be given at the initial exam.
Orthodontic records are required to analyze the patient to determine the treatment required. A separate fee will be charged for the analysis and treatment planning step. The fee quoted for treatment will include all of the costs for that phase of treatment. We assume that the patient will follow all instructions and minimize breakage. Additional fees are only charged if an account becomes overdue or treatment becomes excessively delayed due to non-cooperation. A fee for the retainers you receive at the end of your treatment is also included in your total treatment fees.
A contract will be arranged that includes an initial appliance fee due when treatment begins. The remaining balance is interest-free and paid in monthly auto-withdrawal preauthorized debit payments , usually monthly. This will be generated based off of the fees discussed in the most recent patient exam appointment.
We accept cash, cheque, eTransfer, money order, VISA, Mastercard, and Interac.
We can provide a Canadian Association of Orthodontists insurance form to allow you to determine your level of re-imbursement. Insurance is an agreement between you and the insurance company; thus, you are still responsible for the entire treatment fee should your insurance change or discontinue.
For diagnostic records, treatment planning and case analysis:
When payment is made you will be provided with a receipt and a Certified Specialist in Orthodontics Standard Information Form. Attach these to your Dental Claim Form and submit all of these to your carrier.
For submission of orthodontic insurance pre-determinations:
COMPLETE one of your Dental Claim Forms, usually available from your employer, with your personal information.
COMPLETE the “Patient Identification” portion of the Certified Specialist in Orthodontics Standard Information Form that we provide.
ATTACH the Standard Information Form to your Dental Claim Form and submit both to your insurance carrier.
Your insurance carrier will advise you directly, in writing, how much they will cover. If you do not hear back from your carrier within two to three weeks, it is suggested that you give them a call.
For ongoing active treatment:
We will provide you with a receipt. Attach that receipt to a Dental Claim Form, usually provided by your employer, and submit both to your insurance carrier who will reimburse you directly. We do not need to provide any additional insurance forms at this point, only receipts.
Dental claim forms can also easily be found by Googling the name of your insurance provider, followed by "Dental Claim Form". If you are still having trouble finding the proper form, please let us know!
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